THe view from the Galley Window

THe view from the Galley Window

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Second Week Out

Monday - April 5

I love my crew!!! They told me today that on Sunday I get to sleep in!! WooHoo!! As long as I am up in time to fry chicken. I'll probably be so excited I won't be able to sleep! We are still tied up so I am using the time to organize and clean the pantry. I got it all done except for two shelves last week so those two are really bugging me. It is a large room off the galley with counter space, three freezers, and a potato bin. We keep sugar, plain and self-rising flour and corn meal in 5 gallon bucket like containers.

The "honeymoon" week is over now and we are sorta settling in to a routine. OMG I don't have to get up at 3 am anymore. The boys said since they don't eat much breakfast I can get up at 4 and still have bacon and sausage and biscuits ready for sandwiches by 5. Have I said I love my crew???? I'm gonna make them omelets tomorrow just to say thanks. Now those they will eat! lol

We will be getting another interim captain tomorrow. I hate to see Ray go. He has been very easy going and easy to please with meals.

We did get sad news. Deron is being taken off our boat and put on the Omar which is going to Paducah for repairs. He really didn't want to go. But they called and 30 minutes later he was gone. Tyrone says maybe he will be back or if the water doesn't go down we may all be going to other boats! Boo!

Tuesday - April 6

Well Teno tells me I need to go ahead an order groceries since we are tied up close to the Boat Store cause MAYBE we are going to be able to get behind a tow and move sometime this week. Got the pantry finished so I can actually tell what I got. Now if I only had the vegetable freezer done I would be in high cotton!!

Made Chicken Rotel for lunch today and they ate it up. It is the same one we made at Outtatown.

New captain pretty straight laced. Myles, the Pilot, told me at lunch he is leaving tomorrow or Thursday. He has been loads of fun and I hate to see him go. It has been pretty quite without the Big Boy here.

Chief smoked ribs and a tenderloin today for lunch so I had an easy day of it. I sent Deron a picture on Facebook and told him I had a whole slab left over since he was gone. He didn't reply! lol

Thursday, April 8
Pretty quiet. Teno had a little comeapart cause I moved some stuff in the galley. I decided it was better to choose my battles but surprisingly it made the other guys madder than it did me!! Myles came by before he left and told me to stand up to him. He said he and the rest of the crew had a little wheelhouse meeting and decided to let it be known that the galley was my domain. Told him it wasn't necessary, that the cook was to be a peacemaker not an instigator!! He told if he said anything else just say, "I appreciate all the help and I'll be right out to help you check all the rigging and make sure they are where they are suppose to be!" lol But he's been on here a long time and I don't want to disrespect his authority. It will all sift out .... or I'll throw him overboard!!

Got the groceries put away and great news!! Our wayward boy, Deron is coming back tomorrow. They just needed him to help get the Omar back to Paducah to the shipyard.

Chief told me he talked to the guy in charge of Engineer training classes and told him I would be excellent to cook for the classes cause I wanted to do some trip work. Trip work is when you work past your scheduled 28 days. You get paid double time for that plus earn extra days in case something happens and you need to be off. It would be good if I could do a couple of trip weeks everytime. Got to save up that tuition money.

We had tacos for lunch since the groceries were coming during lunch sometime. And I made Poppy Seed Chicken for supper, another Outtatown staple. Recipe follows. The next three days are prearranged-Fish Friday, Steak Saturday and Chicken Sunday!! No guesswork there! :)

Poppy Seed Chicken

5 chicken breasts, cooked beboned and diced
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 8 ounce container of sour cream
1 sleeve Ritz crackers
1 stick butter, melted

  • Spray 13 x 9 casserole with Pam
  • Layer chicken in casserole
  • Combine soups and sour cream in small bowl.
  • Spread over chicken.
  • Crush crackers and mix with melted butter.
  • Spread over soup mixture.
  • Bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees.

Well I'm gonna call it an evening cause even though 4 am comes early, it ain't nearly as early as 3 am!!!!!!

Good night my friends. Till later...............

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