THe view from the Galley Window

THe view from the Galley Window

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Well its been a busy three days. I'm still lost in this galley, but I'll be gone by Tuesday so I'm not moving anything. This crew is different from any other I have cooked for. The captain, engineer, one mate, and two deckhands eat lunch; the pilot, the other mate and two deck hands eat breakfast and dinner. I could actually have the same thing for lunch and dinner everyday and it would be fine, but how boring for me!! Friday of course was FRY-day so we had fish of course. Friday night I made shrimp gumbo and cheese biscuits which went over pretty well.
I grilled monster ribeyes yesterday along with burgers and hot dogs.

But today.....GLORIOUS SUNDAY. The captain told me to sleep in. The crew asked yesterday for breakfast for lunch so that's what we did. When I got up at 8 a.m.!!!!!!! I made biscuits, gravy, bacon, sausage, French toast, fresh fruit, Gorilla bread (recipe follows) and omelets to order. I had a bigger mess than I would have if I had done a full buffet for 50 people!!! lol

The crew is really easy going. One mate and leadman are from Philadelphia so they are always telling me that Mississippi folks need to stick together. They asked for fried okra, tomato gravy and homemade biscuits!!! The Mate says that most of the cooks are Yanks and don't know Southern.

We had some excitement Friday. Just as the watch changed at lunch, we had a line snap. Luckily this crew had it all together and we didn't end up on the bank or worse with 12 barges free floating!!!! It was a little iffy there for a little bit!!

Yesterday, we did drills. I have my own way of remembering what they mean:
Abandon Ship - 7 short blasts and 1 long blast - (7 words) Grab Your Vest, Get To Tow, Pray
Fire - 1 long blast - FFIIIIRRRREEEEE!!!

Talked to Mollee and Lauren. We are going to take the girls to the zoo on Wednesday when I get home. So exxcitteeddd!! I think I have more fun than they do. Mollee, Chet, Lauren, Davo, Marty, Caleigh, Kynnadi and I are going. Can't wait.

Bout time to get started on the chicken for supper, cause what would Sunday on the river be without fried chicken!! I'm afraid I don't have much to tell. Everyday is pretty much the same. I apologize for being boring!! :(

Till later....................

Gorilla Bread

1 stick butter
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
3 teaspoons cinnamon
2 cans cheap canned biscuits (10 ct)
1 8 oz cream cheese cut in 20 pieces
1 1/2 cups coarsely chopped pecans

  • Liberally spray Bundt pan with Pam.
  • Melt butter and brown sugar in small saucepan over low heat.
  • Combine white sugar and cinnamon in small bowl.
  • Cut cream cheese into 20 equal pieces.
  • Sprinkle 1/2 cup chopped nuts in Bundt pan.
  • Open1 can of biscuits and flatten in palm of hand one at a time. Place 1/2 teaspoon of sugar mixture and 1 piece of cream cheese in center. Fold edges around and crimp. Place in Bundt pan. Follow with rest of biscuits.
  • Pour half of butter mixture over biscuits and sprinkle 1/2 cup pecans.
  • Open second can of biscuits and continue process until all are used.
  • Pour rest of butter mixture over biscuits and top with last 1/2 cup of pecans.
  • Bake at 350 degrees for 55 -60 minutes. Do not overcook.

Invert on cake plate for 5 minutes before removing pan. Wonderful warm, not too shabby cold!!

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