THe view from the Galley Window

THe view from the Galley Window

Sunday, March 28, 2010

And the Week Goes On!

Why is 3 am so EARLY!!! If it wasn't for that I would be okay!! The guys on my training boat are not big breakfast eaters so we make heart shaped breakfast sandwiches for them to eat mid morning. Claujia is upset because the order is all messed up. Instead of 10 lbs of bananas she got 10 bananas, no lettuce and 6 tomatoes instead of 16. Remember these guys are eating healthy and eating fruit and salads like there is no tomorrow. So we have to make do.

Monday I made cornbread chicken and dressing. Claujia didn't know how to make dressing with cornbread, cause they use loaf bread to make theirs in Virginia. The guys have been super about trying new stuff and being gracious about their likes and dislikes. I hope my boat is as kind.

We had planned on firing up the grill and smoking ribs and barbecue on Wednesday but it is raining buckets and the grill is outside. So I marinated them and cooked them in the oven. They were really tender and were ok, but they weren't Outtatown ribs!! :( The barbecue was pretty good also.

I found out that I will be on the Eileen Bigalow that navigates the Lower Mississippi River, that's St. Louis to New Orleans. She is 170 feet long and 52 feet wide. She is tied up right now and been without a crew since July. She needed repairs and then the Upper MS froze so they just kept her tied up. Claujia said that was suppose to be her boat last July and she hasn't set foot on it yet. She says don't write anything in ink or a dark pencil that can't be erased. I hope they don't bounce me around, I like to have my own little nest. But I am trying to broaden my comfort zone and will go where they send me. Keep your fingers crossed.

I will be going home for two weeks and report back to crew on March 30. That means I can be home for Lauren's mouth surgery and to help close down Outtatown. SInce I will be on the boat on Easter we are going to have Easter a week early. This will be my last post for a while till I get back to "Rollin' on the River"!!


  1. Saw a barge while we were eating at Catfish Hotel this weekend & thought of you!
    Your experience is providing lots of conversation topics around my house! Looking forward to your return!

  2. I think my grandfather was on a crew is a Captain John who now lives in Florida. Wonder if it's the same one...Would have been on the Delta Queen, a riverboat.

    Allison Worley

  3. Jean, I finally found it! Very interesting. One of my best friends has a brother who is a Riverboat Captain - JimBo Holliday. Ring any bells? Maybe he is captain of a barge - I'll call and ask her. He is from Holcut, MS. A really nice man about 53 years old, kind, gentle, but about 7 feet tall.
