THe view from the Galley Window

THe view from the Galley Window

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Reporting for Training

Well after a phone interview, a four hour personal interview, a criminal background check, a drug screen and a driving record check, I am finally on my way to a four day orientation in Paducah Ky. I arrived at 7 pm and was met by the Mate. He told me I was the first cook there and I could have my own room if I would like. Well, duh. So I made my bed and waited on the other two cooks to show. Fifteen minutes later the Mate comes and tells me I am welcome to stay in the larger room but I will have a roommate if I do. I assure him I'll be glad to go to the smaller room and make my bed again.

My fellow trainees show up and the fun begins. Anita, is a sweetheart from Savannah, TN, that had owned a restaurant in Savannah and sold it a couple of years ago. I think she and I are gonna be fine. Louanne, is originally from Maine, and has spent lots of time on the water. She presently lives in Brookhaven, MS, but goes to the Hamptons to cook each summer for the Duke and Duchess of somewhere.She has a Maritime License, which must be a big deal, cause she mentions it several times. She has brought four bags of skillets, knives, cookbooks, chef pants and smocks!! Holy smokes!!!! I'm feeling pretty inferior at this point cause I have my trusty Bell's Best 1 and 2 and the cookbook of family recipes I wrote for my girls.

Our trainer, Miss Velie, shows up about 8:30 and tells us time to turn in. She's gonna let us sleep late in the morning since we are going for physicals. We will be having cereal for breakfast and we need to be ready to load up at 5, yes that right 5 am!! Looking bad for me already!

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