THe view from the Galley Window

THe view from the Galley Window

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cooking Test

3 am..... who would have thought people actually get up at that time and want to eat!!!! But homemade biscuits, bacon, sausage, gravy and scrambled eggs for 25 it is!! We will be preparing pork chops for dinner. I would like to make pork stir fry, but "The Boss" says they won't eat it so grilled it is. I went the comfort food route and made Cheesy Potatoes, Green Beans, Slaw, Pear Salads, Broccoli Cheese Cornbread and Chocolate Cobbler for dessert to go with my grilled chops. Everyone happy!!! Especially me, cause I'm done being reviewed!!! Anita is up to bat and has breakfast and lunch on Wednesday. The main office folks will be down the hill to eat lunch so she has it tougher!!

Wenesday night:
I applied for my TWIC card today which I have to show everytime I get on the boat. Anita
pulled it all together and did chicken with alfredo and pasta and some yummy bread. We have a test tomorrow to see if we have been listening in class in our sleep deprived state. Fail the test, go home.

3 am again!!!! Anita is really tired and wants to give up, but we have made a pact-we going down fighting!!!! This afternoon we get assigned to a boat for training after we pass our test. And we shall pass this thing!!

I'm going to the Joe B. Wyatt for training for a week. Then I should go to another boat for a couple of weeks. Since I have been gone Kynnadi has had her fourth birthday party, Jon had a wreck (he's ok) and La is gonna have to have her wisdom teeth cut out during Spring Break. I knew this would happen but its still really hard to not be at home for my children and grandchildren. Plus we have decided to close the restaurant on March 13 and I'm dealing with that long distance.


Got to slept late..... 5 am!! Packed up and loaded in a crew van for the 2 hour drive to meet my boat by 8 am. Thus ends the first week.

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