THe view from the Galley Window

THe view from the Galley Window

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Beginnings

This is my first attempt at blogging and I feel quite sure it will pass by unnoticed for the most part. Let me start by saying that after rearing five children and doing a variety of things that included teaching first grade, being a human resources area manager, and owning a largely unsuccessful restaurant, I felt it time to stop feeling sorry for myself and look for new adventure.

If anyone had ever asked me about empty nest syndrome, I would have laughed in their face. After all I have had at least one child at home for the last 35 years. How quickly they grow and leave.

But I digress..... I have begun a new career as a cook on a tugboat for Ingram Barge Company. It will be my privilege to cook for nine crew members each day. I will be working 28 days on and 28 days off. I have never been away from my family for that long and am a little bummed about that.

It is my intent to write about my life on the tugboat and the sights I see. We'll see how it goes. I probably should have started two weeks ago when my adventure began, but such is the story of my life. Good intentions, poor followup!!

So if you see a tugboat on the Mississippi River between St. Louis and New Orleans, wave big.... I may be on it.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogging world! I'm so glad you've took the plunge! Your first post almost made me cry! I'm looking forward to reading lots more from you. I wish you well on your new adventure. :)
